Get Your Pure-Light Bulbs Today!

How can you love and recommend something you do not know exists and have not ever tried?

That’s what we thought, too!

We will send you from 1 to 4 Pure Light Bulbs if you promise to use them and review and tell others.

This is a sincere offer to send Pure-Light bulbs to people who will use them and give us honest reviews (we know you will love them) and tell their respective audiences. Shipping in US only, for now. For questions, just call Peter Mingils (386) 445-3585. This page was directed to you. Please don’t share this link without asking first as quantities are limited and requests are granted on a case-by-case basis.

If you want to learn more about Pure-Light Bulbs:

If you want to hear from Roger Young, the inventor of The Pure-Light Bulb,
on a Building Fortunes Radio interview with Peter Mingils:

New round of funding now available: (lots of information here)

2 Prominent Products using Pure-Light technology: Air-Surface Purification and Solar Boost (PDF)